Saturday 12 September 2009

Poppies are Red and my Photos are Wonky

Well, I stumbled across a brand new challenge blog - I say stumbled because it just sort of leapt out at me! My fellow Polkadoodle DT mate Boni is part of Digital Ink DT and this is their first challenge!

The digital image of the poppy is free to download from the blog and the challenge this week is to use it!

So I have! I really must apologise for the wonky photo - I just don't know what happened here. possibly the elation of it still being light when I got home from work. Not sure, so just tilt your head slightly and it will look fine!

I've used plain cardstock for mounting the image onto - black green and red, all from my stash. I've rounded and inked edges too to soften it.

I've coloured the image with watercolour pencils - it was really an easy image to colour and it's the first time I've attempted a flower, so quite pleased with myself!

The ribbon is from my stash and the red chunky button is Woodware (I never knew they made buttons, but they do, or at least brand them!)

Great challenge and I'm looking forward to next weeks!

By the time you read this (I've set it to publish at a specific time) I shall be hopefully sufficiently organised for a joint Birthday party for both boys this afternoon. I'm expecting around 35 kids and have hired a sports hall. Personally, I'm looking forward to the egg and spoon race that I have organised.... heheheheh!

  • Cardstock: My stash
  • Image: Freebie to use for the challenge from Digital Ink, coloured with watercolour pencils
  • Ribbon: My stash
  • Button: Woodware


  1. gorgeous card ruth...I love poppies and hey do you ever stop....another challenge you've found....can't keep up with you and 35 kids at a are such a glutton for punishment....I am going to have a lie down just at the thought...hugs kath xxxxx

  2. Beautiful card, I love the detail in the poppy. The colours are so fab. xx

  3. Ruth - hope your birthday party was loads of fun. You've colored this image beautifully...Kris

  4. very elegant and stylish card!

  5. Gorgeous card! Hope the birthday party went well x x

  6. nice card. I like the wood button and sheer ribbon. Nice touch

  7. Awesome card. Love your coloring. Very elegant card! Thanks for joining us this week at Digital Ink Co. Good luck!

  8. Love what you did with the watercolor crayons! This looks so professional. AWESOME JOB!! I'm glad you fell upon the challenge and participated LOL And your picture looks perfectly straight to me LOL it may be because I tend to lean that way anyway but .....oh never mind!! LOL

  9. WOW ... this is awesome!! Love your coloring on the poppy and the button/ribbon treatment is the perfect addition. Thanks for joining us at the Digital-Ink Co. challenge. I can't wait to see more of your creations in the upcoming weeks.

  10. very elegant card! Love the black and red with your fabby poppy! Thanks for playing this week at Digital Ink Co.
    Kim xXx

  11. Very elegant card. Love your black and red! Your poppy is gorgeous! Thanks for playing this week at Digital Ink Co.
    Kim xXx

  12. Hi Ruth,
    sorry it took me so long to stop by and say hi, and to thank you for joining our first challenge. You did an incredibly beautiful job on this Poppy stamp!! Thank you so much again, and hope to see lots more from you

    Judy (Digital-Ink Co Owner)

  13. Ruth, what a lovely job you did on Jules poppy stamp..the button and ribbon make it look so elegant..I'm wondering if you will allow us to display this beautiful card in our gallery at the store...
    if you are interested, could you pop me an email with a picture of the card and I will be honored to display it..
    thanks for doing our challenge, it's always inspiring to see the end results of our stamps...hugz stitchy


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