It's the Funky Hand Blog Hop and it is our first ever hop!! And with all hops there is one fab prize on offer - a copy of the brand new not yet even released cd -
Twelve Crafters Crafting!! It's launch is on 5 November BUT you can pre order it direct from
Funky Hand so you know you'll be one of the first to have it!
Each of the Design Team (funnily enough, there are twelve of us....!) picked a paper collection to work with and I went with Jingle Bells which is the twelfth paper collection on the cd. As you can see its a bright and funky collection and I just could not resist making this wordbook - you know how much I like them!

Really easy - just print out the pages you want - you can select the letter to which ever paper you want
and change the colour of the letter (now that is good eh?!) The little 'ho' has been made using the workspace area - you can make words or just random letters and they will match the colour collection you are using!!
I've added extra stars here and there from the offcuts and added glitter glue around the letters. Ribbon is from Meiflower.
Hop runs from NOW and
Anice will accept the unscrambled phrase until midnight GMT tomorrow evening (Sunday). If you've not hopped through those before me, pop over to
Anice who will explain how its all going to work and she will provide your instructions and the list of who to hop to!
So, if you've arrived at me from
Jules then you are on the right track! My letter is:
Now leave me a comment and hop over to
Amanda, all the way up in Bonnie Scotland!
Just remember to write down each of our letters and leave us a comment - you've got to be in it to win it!!
And talking of winning, one of my other little ventures,
Crimbo Crackers, also has a copy of
Twelve Crafters Crafting on offer!
Good luck with the hop and be quick!!
- All papers: Twelve Crafters Crafting from Funky Hand
- Ribbon: Meiflower
- Everything else: My stash