Wednesday 12 August 2009

Twinkle and Sparkle

I found a Christmas challenge site! Which is good news as this week the Polkadoodle DT have been tasked with making things with the-very-soon-to-be-premiered-on-telly cd Jingle Jangles! And what better excuse than to follow some challenges at the same time!
The current Christmas Challenge is:
Twinkle and Sparkle
And here is mine! All paperbased elements are from the Jingle Jangle cd - I've printed onto white hammered card and resized the backing paper to A5 as the pattern is so pretty!
The image I've embellished with watercolours and blue and silver stamps as it was difficult to see the tree. I've then added some sparkle here and there and also around the edges of the card.

The ribbon is from my stash (have a feeling it was off a box of chocs). Tune into Create and Craft (Sky 671) on Monday 17 August at 9am where Nikky will be proudly demonstrating Jingle Jangle cd and all the DT creations. Have a look out for mine and yell, won't you if you see it?!
  • All paperbased elements: Jingle Jangle cd
  • Ribbon and glitter glue: From my stash


  1. Ruth - it's beautiful! Real Christmasy - I love the blues and purples on the cd - that backing paper is my favourite paper. Anyway your card is just lovely! x

  2. fab card chick, love the blue and white, I ofen use it for chrissy cards too


    Amanda xx

  3. Absolutely gorgeous! Love the blue ... love the tree ... and definitely love that fab paper!

    Thank you for joining us at Winter Wonderland.

    Teri xx

  4. lovely colours, the tree is fab

  5. gorgeous card xx jo xx


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