Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Spring has Sprung!

It's offical! Spring is here! We visited the Botanical Gardens in Southport on Sunday as its been around 2 years since our last visit and the fact that Samuel has to go on a walk and spot the signs of spring for one of his homework excercises. So here are some of the photos from Sunday.

This dragon has been carved from a fallen tree. Here you see Samuel being a bit posey!

Jacob refused to have his photo taken, but Samuel was only too willing to stop and smile! Jacob is actually stood behind him (you can see his shadow) sulking.

Of course the boys had to play on the swings and climbing frames!

And later on, we went on the minature steam train on the front in Southport. And we had ice cream! Samuel enjoyed his and if you are thinking he's relatively clean - he wasn't by the time he finished - it was everywhere!


  1. Lovely day out!! I like the first spring-weather!!


  2. what a fabulous day out and the two monkeys are having great fun....love the crocuses and daffodils....I love spring
    Hugs Kath xxxxx

  3. Hi Ruth !
    I'm your heart swap!!
    Thanks for messaging me - my email is


  4. Looks like you had a lovely day!
    x x x


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