Friday 17 June 2011

Polkadoodle Challenge 24 - Thing That Flutter

Welcome to another Friday and a Polkadoodle challenge! The winner of the Polkadoodle blog candy that I had on offer from challenge 21 and the blog hop is:

Congratulations! Please email me (address is in the sidebar) with your full postal details and I will get the cd off to you!

Right, onto this week! Our challenge is Things That Flutter. I've used the lovely dragonflies from Sundae of Seasons cd. I printed them off in A5 size and twice so I could layer them up. The edges of the wings and the end of the body have had the glitter treatment and I've added the antenna with wire and seed beads.

I've added some tiny magnets to the reverse and I've actually pinched them from the front of our freezer door so if Jacob ever finds out I'll be in trouble! The dragonflies actually live on my once rather posh container of very special chocolate powder which is now full of all my buttons!

Good luck with the challenge - its open until Sunday 26 June at 12noon GMT.

And if you've not already popped over to the Fetch A Sketch pre launch party - please do so! Some candy on offer to two lucky commenter's plus some extra prizes along the way! The Fetch A Sketch challenges launch on Monday 27 June at 9am!

My dragonflies fit the following challenges:

Delicious Doodles: Things That Flutter
Crafting for all Seasons: Summer
Diva's By Design: Anything But A Card
For Fun Challenges: Summer
Little Darlings: Summer
Anything Goes Challenges: Summer
The Cheerful Stamp Pad: Things With Wings
The Stamp Man Challenges: Butterflies or Dragonflies

  • All paperbased items: Sundae of Seasons
  • Everything else: My stash


  1. These look so pretty Ruth. Love the blingy elements. Hope you're not in trouble with Jacob!
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Hugs, Fliss xx
    PS: Will do a post about Fetch A Sketch tomorrow - busy, busy this week so it's just on my side bar at present!

  2. these are wonderful winged things! thank you for joining the "things with wings" challenge at the cheerful stamp pad. xo

  3. Fabulous dragonflies, you have made them so well and I bet they look fab on your button tin.
    Thanks for joining the Divas for our 'Anything But a Card' challenge and the butterflies and dragonflies challenge at The Stamp Man.
    luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

  4. Very lovely! Looks fabby I must say. Thanks for playing with us over at For Fun this week.
    Love n hugs

  5. Very pretty, thanks playing along with Delicios Doodles this week

  6. Those are adorable!! Thank you for joining us at Crafting for all Seasons challenge.

  7. Adorable! Love your project!

    Thanks for joining CFAS this week!

  8. Great project! Thanks for joining us at The Stamp Man.


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