Tuesday 22 April 2008

Do the Funky Cheeky Chicken!

This is all about chickens. Fabric chicken doorstops. Made by the Crafts Forum very own Swirlyarts! Not much narrative needed - the pictures speak for themselves! Visit her Etsy shop and buy, buy, buy! The spotty one is called (wait for it..) chicken pox.....!

And this one is MINE!!! It was a 'wooops' chicken, so named because it went a little wrong in it's production - the comb is on upside down and it has a big beak... But I love it and it sits in my kitchen and looks at me when I'm on the pc!

Two of my family have Chicken Doorstops and a friend has a Chicken Paperweight (just a smaller version) as she used to keep chickens until they built a big extention - the chickens became homeless - so I got her a paperweight one instead! Less mess and feeding me thinks!


  1. Hee hee hee - is it wrong that I am doing the funky chicken dance right at this very moment??

  2. do do do the funky chicken oh no now that's stuck in my head for the rest of the day-- liking them!!

  3. I have a mini chicken that I won from Swirly that sits on my desk and looks after my papers..I love him, infact I think he might need a friend.
    Anice xx


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