Saturday, 12 July 2008

Root Beer!!

Look what was waiting for me when I got home from work yesterday! All wrapped up in pink packaging (I knew it was you JB*JB as soon as I saw it!) Jellybelly*Jellybrain took pity on me after my recent rant of no Root Beer flavoured Jelly Beans, and as a fellow lover of said Root Beer, this is what she sent me!!

Along with two baby embellishments she made on her whizzy sewing machine. Isn't she clever?

Root Beer beans - yes they exist!!!

I munched my way through most of them last night once the kids were in bed, and looking forward to completing the bag tonight. Yum yum yum!!! And for once, no-one else will eat them as they don't like them. Heheheheh!!

So, big thank you JB*JB - really appreciated!!


  1. Ahh, bless... aren't people lovely?? How kind!

    Heather xx

  2. Well it just goes to show there are great folk out there - how kind


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