Thursday, 17 June 2010


It's turning out to be one of those weeks - the ones where time just evaporates!! I've got a lot on the go at the moment but I'm still around just working away madly!!

I'm a bit in demand which is a great feeling but rubbish for trying to get everything done!

And the hedgehog is well and truly snuggled down in it's (I presume her!) nest as the front area is all covered up with grass as if she's blocked herself in. So it's just a waiting game now!!

Tomorrow I am off to Blackpool Zoo with Nursery for the little ones who leave this time to go to school - this will be the third school leavers trip I've done with them (although only 2 kids!) because its such a good day out! We've never been to Blackpool Zoo so I'm looking forward to it!


  1. Hi Ruth,
    You will love Blackpool zoo we go once a year, my kids love it!
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  2. Tell me about it - if I were to invent something that have everyone more time in the day I would be a millionaire!! Don't work too hard although I have a sneaky feeling that you will!!

  3. Oh i know what you mean! WHERE is the time going??? Hope you get some little hedgies. :)


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