Wednesday, 15 December 2010

The Donkey Who Thinks He is a Camel

Following on from last week's Reception Nativity and Angel Jacob, here is Samuel dressed as a donkey who thinks he is a camel! The Infant classes at school performed Ooops A Daisy Angel (some 60+ kids!) with identical twins playing the leading role! This was not revealed until the very end!

Samuel had to say that he was a camel with two humps on his back so he could be let into the camel park on the way to Bethlehem. Sounds a bit mad explaining it, but it worked - you had to see it to understand it!


  1. awwww sounds like a real laugh hun. The wee man is looking fab


    Amanda xx

  2. brillliant happy donkey!

    I love oops a daisy angel over the years I have had two of mine do it.

  3. Awww, he looks so cute. The play sounds like a lot of fun xx


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